Teens' Biggest Safety Threat is Sitting on the Driveway

Posted by Lori Gelvin Wednesday, July 29, 2020 9:33:00 AM

Half of all teens will be involved in a car crash before graduating from high school. Parental involvement doesn't end when a child gets a license. Teen drivers who continue to practice with their parents increase their chances of avoiding a crash.

Visit www.nsc.org/driveithome for a variety of helpful resources to help your teen get the experience they need behind the wheel.

No state has laws strong enough to fully protect new teen drivers. Household rules about passengers, nighttime driving and cell phone use can fill gaps in state laws.

Teens Crash Because They Are Inexperienced Drivers

Contrary to popular belief, teens crash most often because they are inexperienced. They struggle judging gaps in traffic, driving the right speed for conditions and turning safely, among other things.

National Teen Driver Safety Week

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sponsors Teen Driver Safety Week each year in October. Parents are the biggest influencers on their teen drivers, even if you think they aren't listening.

NHTSA reminds parents to set the rules before they hit the road with "5 to Drive":

  • No cell phones while driving
  • No extra passengers
  • No speeding
  • No alcohol
  • No driving or riding without a seat belt


Provided courtesy of the National Safety Council

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